Sunday, September 18, 2005

Welcome to RI 2005

Uhm... yes, hello... If you've been sent here, welcome, if you've randomly landed on this page, welcome.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR READING: Picasa posts the latest posts at the top, which means that I would have to post everything backwards and make all my comments backwards to make this page read normally. That would mean work... :-P Read this page from bottom up and things will make sense.

IF YOU CARE: The pictures that start with IMG_ were taken with my new camera (Canon EOS 20D w/ 28-135 IS USM lens) and those that start with IMGP were taken with our Pentax Optio S4. For the most part on the web you can't tell much of a difference, except in low light.

Have fun. Comment if you wish.

Grave from someone who died in 1859...

On the way back from whale watching Crystal saw an old graveyard and took pics. (Sorry, no ghouls or ghosts...)

AdventureCrystal(tm) :]

This is an area fairly far out where the ocean floor suddenly rises, so people take their boats out, get out and walk around in shallow water.

White Frothy Wake...

If that whale doesn't stop spitting it's gonna be in trouble...

Whale tails go "SPLOOSH!"

Another whale and you can just barely see the spray from another's blowhole.

Impressive yacht that Crystal saw. (I think she wants one in her stocking for Christmas) It's got a jacuzzi and jet skis...

DIVE DIVE DIVE!!! (The whale decided to submerge instead of hit the boat... thank goodness!)

Whale coming directly towards the boat. (Cue Jaws Music)

Presto chango 2 surfacing humpback whales become 3!

Same 2 whales

2 Humpback whales surfacing. You can see their white fins under the water

The boat Crystal went on.

Lighthouse that has been decommisioned and doesn't have the light

Little houses that can only be reached by boat and don't have any electricity and such. They're summer rentals.

"Are we out to sea yet?" -- The Dog

Whale Watching

Above here are Crystal's Whale watching trip. I didn't go on this as I was not there (doh!), but she took lots of cool pics, so I will post them (YEAAAH!).

Clock at the little mall thing...

Little mall thing where Crystal Shops

Nummy sammich from a place that Crystal goes sometimes (and we went once)

Front of the house with Beatrice the landlady...

Little patio thing with a pool below

Diningroom with Crystal...

The bathroom...

These pics are specifically for my mom so she can "put Crystal where she belongs" (other people can enjoy them as well). Crystal's bedroom in RI. (Her bed is the closer one)

And the last cool looking random building.

Random building that's missing a chunk in the middle

Hmm... probably should have posted these before. Oh well 3 more random Boston Architecture pics that I took as I was walking around before getting on the train for my flight home. Pic #1 (This is the train station)

The actual building where she spends her day.

This is where Crystal is working now.

SuperCool(tm) pic of The Breakers taken by Crystal. Go Crystal! :]

Dumdee Dumdee Dumdee

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15...

15 Minute Intermission

The Couple of Suave(tm) on the balcony

Crystal on the balcony

View from the second floor balcony of The Breakers

The Breakers ( Very impressive and large and uhm... big... :] We had fun touring it and were with a group of enthusiastic people, which made it fun!

It's the cute couple at the beach! YEAAAH!

This one came out rather well! I like it

A pile of use crab cages

Very expensive houses across the way from where we were

FWW #5

Crab claw on the rocks

Miniwave with seaweed

Boats on the ocean


FWW #4

Waves crashing onto piles of seaweed that birds were feasting off of.

FWW #3

Fun with waves #2

Fun with waves #1 (Side note: I ended up shooting about 70 pics of waves in burst mode... I'm not putting them all up... :])